Friday, November 19, 2010

Raven after 3 weeks

Raven - Working on "Stay"
In the past 3 weeks Raven has shown off her adaptability. She's been to work with me & done very well. She now knows the blender, vacuum, dishwasher, dryer & garbage disposal aren't demons. She's still concerned about the garage door opener's magical powers of opening the whole wall. She is a great passenger in the car. The Salt/Pepper game is old hat to her. "Sit' is now part of her vocabulary "Down" & "Stay" are improving. She walks perfectly on a leash ... even on the treadmill! I'm sick of he extra 10 lbs I'm caring around so I've been spending some time on the treadmill & Raven joined right in ( in moderation, supervised - all safety precautions being taken) The chickens taunt her from the coop. When she goes with me at feeding time you can see her wheels turning "how can I get in there?"

Yesterday was her 2nd round of vaccinations. Last time her weight was about 17.5 lbs, now almost 23 lbs.! Her little spots of Demodex are gone - no meds needed, treated only with love. She really misses Lucy. Missy won't give her the time of anti-social that Miss Missy! We've found that Raven is very "mature for her age" or "has an old soul." While she is a happy puppy, she doesn't display many of those annoying typical puppy traits - lucky for me! She is fairly crate trained. She will throw a fit if she has to potty - so there is no mistaken when she needs to be let out. Potty training in the house in about 80%. If I get busy & get off her schedule she'll have an accident, but no accidents in the crate.
Raven - Sleeping on the job

Raven the Working Girl

Fitness Puppy
Monkey see - Monkey do!

More Puppy brags

Mojo & his new friend "Jack"
Mojo - Living the good life!

Bella investigates "Jack"
Chocolate & Cinnamon - Sweet Bella
Bailey shows her Mama what she thinks of the
" No puppies on the sofa" rule

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fine time to leave me Lucille

Queen Lucy on her monogrammed throne
Our Lucy Chapter has now officially closed. Yesterday Lucy moved on to her new forever family. The past 3 months with sweet Lucy have been a huge adventure. She introduced me to so many new people & organizations. Lucy was my first taste of Basset mixes. She was an impressive ambassador to her breeds. I'll miss her dearly & am grateful for all she taught me & all the joy she brought to our home & the homes of her puppies families. Her new Mama is so fortunate to call Miss Lucy her Baby.

Lucy meets her new Mama
Lucy eyeing her treats
Raven & Lucy sit sweetly waiting for their last meal together

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Grandpuppy Brags

Noah, such & pretty boy... & he knows it!

I love grandpuppy photos!!! I've been unable to update my blog or facebook page since last week. Late Friday night a car hit a power/phone pole on our road. We were without power or water until late Saturday night & phone/internet was just restored this afternoon. Joys of country living!  I'm amazed it took so long. We realized one thing quickly... we're scary dependent on the internet! I could no longer work form home & had to go into the office, w/ Raven in tow.

Coach & Noah taking a break between wrestling  matches

Styx in his Halloween costume
Bailey must not be a fan.... surprising since she was born wearing team colors!
Can't we all just get along? sweet!!!!
Bruce all dressed up
Just like his Mama Lucy, Bruce loves a bone!