Last night Lucy started acting a little off. Teeth chattering, pacing & groaning. I knew it was the dreaded moment...
I had to take her temperature! In preparation for this event I'd a pilgrimage to Walmart & scoured the thermometer aisle- so many selections. Which is the best for this situation?Entering my mission was simple, just grab the cheapest one. After all it's destination was less than glamorous. I ran into a good friend while comparing labels. Her first comment was " Is that for the dog?" I blushed & nodded. I'm so glad I opted for the more expensive 3 second reading over the 15 or 9 second ones. Those are crucial moments! The greatest investments were the plastic covers. So there would never be an opps, "K9" is CLEARLY marked with sharpie all over it like gang graffiti!
While being violated by the thermometer, Lucy just gazed at me with a confused expression.( testimony to her temperament) It was awkward for us both & again I was grateful for the 3 second reading feature. 99.8 - near normal. Her mood today has been more of the same. Our last rendevou with the probe displayed 98.8. I'm psyching up for another poke. I must love this dog!!!!
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