While Jasmine isn't an official Therapy dog, we've been utilizing her therapeutic qualities. Our Shih Tzu, Missy is very skittish. It's obvious she's had physiological damage in the past. Missy LOVES people but is frightened by everything else (including her own shadow) Jasmine has a very soft, polite personality, yet is inquisitive & puppy-playful. She desperately wants Missy & Lucy to play with her but unfortunately Lucy is well past puppyhood & Missy battles her own demons. To acclimate Missy to having another dog around we've been feeding her next to Jasmine. Jasmine finishes her dish, then sits & waits for Missy to eat her fill. Once Missy walks off, Jasmine polishes off her leftover morsels - so polite! Jasmine & Missy have been rooming together at night. Jasmine is happy to be out of her crate & Missy is getting used to a roommate. If ever there was a dog to show Missy "Other dogs aren't a threat & can be fun", it's Jasmine! We're grateful for the assistance Jasmine has provided in building Missy's confidence & trust.
Our hope is for Jasmine to have a playmate who could enjoy & appreciate her antics. At 14 months old she has the maturity of an adult dog, but a vibrant puppy spirit. She is respectful of Lucy's boundaries yet can't help but try to engage her. A few times she's taken Lucy's ear in her mouth & "walked" her around the yard. --DARLING. Lucy has all the patience in the world for her in the yard, but that patience stops abruptly at the office door (where the whelping pool is). Jasmine is aware of the invisible boundaries & keeps a safe distance only poking her nose in on occasion.
Our Foster Dog adventure has been paused. Raven is in a great new home. All our foster pups have given us such joy. We can only hope they do the same in their new homes.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Lucy -Week 2
Just two weeks ago Lucy became a member of our pack. In such a short time she's brought so much to our world, including 8 squeaky little puppies! She went form a sweet lovable lug to protective Mama Bear & now has thankfully come around to being my buddy. It's taken some bribery but we're pals. She allows me to handle her puppies without out a growl. She still keep a close eye on me but has figured out I'm on her side ( after all I'm her maid, cook, belly rubber, gate keeper, & poop patroler) In the past 2 days she has been taking longer breaks from her li'l suckers to solicit attention for herself or curl up for some peace & quiet. She is eating for 9 & her appetite reflects it! I've been feeding her a combination of puppy food, yogurt, can food & honey. Yes, it looks as nasty as it sounds but she can't get enough of it.
VIDEO- Puppies 6 days
Pearl, Peach & Dory - 6 days old
Nemo, Nigel, Squirt, Crush & Bruce - 6 days old
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Jackpot Jasmine
In the world of "Dogie Lotto" Jasmine is a Golden Ticket. We had no idea how neurotic our Shih Tzu Missy was until Jasmine came to live with us. She makes Missy look like a basket case. Jasmine's personality is so mellow, calm & stable. At first she would get a little freaked out left alone. All she knew in her life had vanished, so it's not surprising she was a little insecure at first, but that has all changed now!!! The first few days I keep her leashed to me. Now she follows me around like a shadow. She isn't annoying trying to get attention, she just likes to be around people. She will chill out in her dogie bed & snooze or chew on her bone. She hasn't chewed anything except her bone, not even her toys. She likes to play fetch for a little while but would rather curl up in my lap. She doesn't wait for an invitation. As soon as anyone sits on the floor she see a new snuggle spot & curls up. She greets guests with interest & mild excitement. Yesterday my in-laws came to visit. She gave a whisper "woof" when they knocked, then gave them a quick sniff down once they were in the door. While we visited she lounged in her bed sleeping until they left. While we were saying our good-byes she jumped into their car & was ready to go home with them (aren't dogs supposed to be loyal?) Jasmine has been going to work with me for a few hours a day this week. She has been an angel in the car & the office. She has shown less ear rubbing so I believe her infections are healing. She lets me wash our her ears & apply drop without to much complaint. She loves the ear rubbing part. I've been giving her 1/4 c. yogurt daily to counter the incidence of yeast infections common if floppy ear dogs. My husband has taken as strong liking to sweet Jasmine & that's an uncommon occurrence. In jest, he's threatened to keep Jasmine an adopt Missy out...not happening!! Any poor soul who ended up with Missy would surely return her promptly. Jasmine, on the other hand is a keeper! As much as we'd love to make her a permanent member of our family, that is counter productive for the "Fostering" concept. As soon as Jasmine, Lucy & the Nemo Litter find homes we'll then be able to help another equally deserving dog. Unfortunately those are in ample supply.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Finding NEMO
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Nemo to the left, Clockwise from the top: Crush, Pearl, Peach, Nigel, Bruce, Dory & Squirt in the center |
In honor of Lucy's Mickey Mouse spots, her litter's name is Disney inspired. We're avid scuba divers & "Finding Nemo" is our favorite movie.
3 Females: Peach, Pearl, & Dory - 5 Males: Nemo, Bruce, Crush, Squirt, & Nigel
The most obvious ones are Peach & Squirt. Peach is the peach colored female & Squirt is the smallest brown & white male. Dory is the most vocal puppy, the tri-colored female. Pearl by default it the brown & white female. Nigel is the black& white male w/ a spot on his back that looks like a pelican crashing into a window (spots are natures Rorschach test) Bruce is the whitest of the 2 white males. Crush is the other (I can only tell them apart when they're next to each other oe in the same photo) That leaves us with the star, Nemo. He is the tri-colored male. He & Dory look a lot alike. Dory has a smaller amount of white on her face. Nemo's white blaze is bigger.
Below photos- 2 days old, Above photos- 3 days old
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
In Memory of Charmin
RIP Charmin the Silkie Rooster |
Yesterday was a blurry whirlwind. I learned many lessons, most notably was the importance of forethought & preparedness. I'll have to go back to Sunday to tell the tale in context...
My Sunday objective was to change the stinky birth bedding without getting my arm bitten off. The odor in the house monopolized my thoughts & narrowed my vision. I could only think of dumping the sheets & bleaching everything in sight. Lucy is a great dog she is an even better Mama. She & I connected in the brief week as much as much as we could, but I'm still new to her & the litter's safety is her #1 priority. About dusk she finally got up to potty ( we had food & water w/in reach of the whelping pool). I seized my chance & rushed in to change the linens & get a closer look at the puppies. What I didn't see coming was the Lucy who ignored the chickens the day before was having a postpartum mood swing. She took out her frustration on my beautiful white 4 year old Silkie rooster "Charmin". She took a bite then latched onto a wing. My husband managed to pry the rooster from her clenches. There was no blood & the rooster ran into the coop. We'd hoped he's shake it off, but Monday morning I found him dead. Very sad & my fault for not expecting Lucy to react differently to the chickens since her attitude towards me had changed. Thankfully we have a few of Charmin's little roos to pass along his flowing white feathers.
Monday morning was my first day back to the office since the puppies arrival ( I can see their birth becoming one of my life's time markers)
I tried to get myself ready & chores done in time to be at work by a respectable hours. A task which should be easy but with 8 darling puppies to stare at for hours proves difficult. In my rush to get out the door I removed Charmin from the coop & figured I'd deal with him when I got back & had more time. My boss is very understanding & allows me an incredibly flexible schedule, so I was able to take Jasmine to work with me.(Thank you Teri!!) I would only be gone a few hours & Jasmine was joining me so I figured, Lucy would be fine....WRONG! As soon as I came home I was greeted by the scent of Lucy's "gift". In my hurry to get it cleaned I quickly put Lucy out into the yard & went into hazmat-mode. When the room was sanitized & the whelping pool linens changed I opened the door to let Lucy in & saw the sea of white feathers. Lucy went barbaric on Charmin's remains set aside to deal with latter....it was latter. She sported a mask of fluff as evidence. I took a deep breath & led her back to her puppies. It was Jasmine's turn for a walk to get her business done. As I reached of the leash I heard the heaving coming form Lucy. She threw bits of rooster up all over the whelping pool. Not only did I loose my beautiful rooster to my own stupidly, but his corpse was ravaged, I had to pick up parts of him from all over the yard & now partially digested parts of him form the whelping pool I'd just cleaned!!!!!! During all the commotion Jasmine's "holding-it" time limit expired & she pooped at the door. Again all my fault! (spoken like a good Catholic!)

Sunday, August 22, 2010
3 Female / 5 Male
Jasmine Retrieves

Friday, August 20, 2010
Lesson in fine print - Week 1
Appalling Background - Jasmine
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"Princess Jasmine" on her throne, living the good life! |
Additional background info was received on Jasmine: Her previous owners were contacted regarding placement of the obvious recent litter. As it tuns out, Jasmine is only 14 months old ( not 2 years) She gave birth to a litter of 8 healthy puppies this past May (3 months ago). Her litter was given away at 8 weeks without vaccinations. The incidence of Parvo in San Benito County is very high. Our fingers are crossed that they manage to escape it. Here is the real kicker....the litter's sire was a large Rottweiler mix!!! OUCH!!!! Luckily, that was her 1st & last litter. Unfortunately there are 8 unaltered, unvaccinated puppies out there ready to populate soon...plus an active Rottie with his package in tact! Now it's time for sweet Jasmine to live the good life- to which she's adapted quickly. She is near a puppy herself but with manners & calm disposition.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Eww! I MUST Love Lucy - Day 6

While being violated by the thermometer, Lucy just gazed at me with a confused expression.( testimony to her temperament) It was awkward for us both & again I was grateful for the 3 second reading feature. 99.8 - near normal. Her mood today has been more of the same. Our last rendevou with the probe displayed 98.8. I'm psyching up for another poke. I must love this dog!!!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Welcome Jasmine
Shadow Dog - Day 5
Yesterday I gave Lucy a bath for the first time. She wasn't thrilled with the idea, but I prefer the scent of coconut to poultry. Her efforts rolling in the chicken poop getting perfectly perfumed were for not. She laid in the shower & tolerated my primping like a rag-doll. Toweling off was welcomed, especially when I got to her ears. Her "shake" attempt fell a short in efficiency. Her ears did a few flops & her body did a little shimmy. Again, I'm new to the hound world. A Lab or GSP would have sprayed water every wear, even Missy manages some good sprinkler action.
Lucy is never had to find in the house. She wants to be generally near us. She'll come up for a nuzzle or belly rub them find a comfy spot, keep any eye on us until her lids get heavy & she drifts off. (she prefers rugs to pillows) Most of her actions are methodical & in slow motion.... unless there is a treat involved. The "cookie jar" is keep on a high shelf bookcase. Her stubby little legs tried to climb the shelves. As simple serious "Ahh, Ahh!" let her know that was a No-No. She found a rug & dismissed the idea without protest.
Today a new foster dog "Jasmine" will be joining our pack. She is an owner surrender to a local shelter. Yesterday Jasmine was spayed & had a fox tail removed from her ear. She'll be recovering with us until an applicant can be selected for her adoption. She's very popular & has had multiple families interested. My fingers are crossed that Lucy gets along with her as she has with our Missy.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Chicken Friendly!! -Day 4

Monday, August 16, 2010
"Bagel" World -Day 3

Today is day 3 of our life with Lucy but you’d never know it. She’s made herself at home quickly. Yesterday she gave us a little action in our lazy Sunday. While I was mid-sentence boasting of her sweet personality she discovered a petrified dead mole in the pasture. My husband & I did all we could to pry it out of her clenches as she belly-flopped & casually gazed at us. My husband manage to break off the exposed parts. Lucy promptly inhaled it in 2 effortless gulps. She then looked up at us as if to say “Thanks for the help, I was wondering how to get that down whole.” (we don’t use D-con & our property abuts an organic herb farm, so we weren’t overly concerned about poison) Poop-patrol reports no cause for alarm. Her digestive system is quite efficient.
We lovingly refer to Lucy as “Garbage Gut”. Perhaps she isn’t pregnant after all? Maybe the squirming we see in her belly is a family of squirrels she swallowed alive?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Symmetry of Lucy - Day 2
What is Beauty? To answer this question, philosophers have devoted a great deal of time to this conundrum. Plato wrote of so-called "golden proportions." Today, symmetry has been scientifically proven to be inherently attractive to the human eye. Babies spend more time staring at pictures of symmetric individuals than they do of asymmetric ones. Scientists say that the preference for symmetry is a highly evolved trait seen in many different animals. Female swallows, for example, prefer males with longer more symmetric tails, while female zebra finches mate with males with symmetrically colored leg bands.The rationale behind symmetry preference in both humans and animals is that symmetric individuals have a higher mate-value; scientists believe symmetry is equated with a strong immune system. Thus, beauty is indicative of more robust genes, improving the likelihood offspring will survive. This evolutionary theory is supported by research showing standards of attractiveness are similar across cultures.
Is this why I find Lucy beautiful? It very well may be! She has a balanced blaze with a perfectly symmetrical "dove tail" running down the center.... or maybe she is beautiful because she just IS!
Is this why I find Lucy beautiful? It very well may be! She has a balanced blaze with a perfectly symmetrical "dove tail" running down the center.... or maybe she is beautiful because she just IS!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Welcome Lucy - Day 1
We picked Lucy up this afternoon. Her saviors, Bob & Thuy delivered her complete with a detailed intro, bag of treats, new toy, stylish new pink collar & leash. Jill, from Golden Empire Basset Rescue brought us a whelping pool & big bag of food. They all had very long drives just to coordinate the exchange. THANK YOU! While loading her into the crate she showed no distress & rode home without complaint. Keys dropped right in front of her face & she wasn't at all phased.
Once we arrived home, Lucy politely greeted Missy then quickly went to work sniffing every inch of the yard. She came over & checked in periodically then went right back into discovery mode. She passed chicken test #1 with flying colors. She showed no interest in the cooped hens & didn't ruffle any feathers. Test #2 will be with a free range Giant Hen.
First impression of her has been : Trusting, Polite, Tolerant, Quiet, Mature, Mellow, but mostly VERY SWEET!!!
Once we arrived home, Lucy politely greeted Missy then quickly went to work sniffing every inch of the yard. She came over & checked in periodically then went right back into discovery mode. She passed chicken test #1 with flying colors. She showed no interest in the cooped hens & didn't ruffle any feathers. Test #2 will be with a free range Giant Hen.
First impression of her has been : Trusting, Polite, Tolerant, Quiet, Mature, Mellow, but mostly VERY SWEET!!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
"Lucy! I'm (almost) home"
This is Lucy, our first Foster Baby....or better said Babies Mama.
We'll be getting to know her this weekend. From what I'm told by her "saviors", she's a good girl, even better now that she's had a bath.
Her visit to the vet yesterday confirmed her pregnancy & estimated arrival of the mystery litter in the
next 2-3 weeks.
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